Target In San Jose Ca

Target In San Jose Ca - Oh boy! Do I have a fun story for you guys! So, I was strolling around San Jose trying to find something to do and I stumbled upon not one, not two, but FIVE Targets! Yes, you read that right, FIVE Target stores in one city! You know what that means? That means there are five times the opportunities for all of us to go broke buying things we don't need. Woohoo!

Target - San Jose, California Holger Way, 95

Who needs a gym membership when you have Target?

Let's be real, we all know that Target is a workout on its own. Walking around those aisles carrying a basket or pushing a cart is a full-body workout. But do you ever feel like you need a little extra motivation? Look no further than this Target location on Holger Way. It's tucked away in a business park and can be a little hard to find, but trust me, it's worth the trek. The upside? You'll have plenty of parking and lots of empty aisles to get your sweat on. Just pretend you're on an episode of Supermarket Sweep and go to town!

Target san jose ca holger way 95

Target - Department Stores - East San Jose - San Jose, CA - Yelp

Bring a friend and turn it into a game

Have you ever found yourself aimlessly wandering the aisles of Target, unsure of what to buy, but knowing you want everything? Well, why not make a game of it? Bring a friend and turn it into a scavenger hunt. Make a list of items to find and the first one to get it all wins! Not only will you have a blast, but you'll also get your shopping done at the same time. This particular Target location in East San Jose is perfect for this game. It's big enough to get lost in, but not so big that you feel overwhelmed (looking at you, Target on Stevens Creek Boulevard). Plus, there's a Starbucks inside, so you can refuel mid-game!

Target Department Stores East San Jose San Jose CA Yelp

Target - 56 Photos - Department Stores - West San Jose - San Jose, CA

Get your steps in with a view

If you're going to be doing all that walking, you might as well have a good view, right? Head on over to the Target on Saratoga Avenue in West San Jose. This store is housed in a shopping center that sits on a hill, which means you'll get some pretty fantastic views of the city while you're doing your shopping. Plus, there are plenty of other stores in the center, so you can make a day of it. Get your steps in, enjoy the scenery, and maybe even treat yourself to a little something (or a lot of something) from Target. You deserve it!

Target 56 Photos Department Stores West San Jose San Jose CA

Target - San Jose, California Hillsdale Avenue, 1811 | Target (store)

Looking for a bargain? This Target has got you covered

If you're a bargain hunter like me, then you know that not all Targets are created equal when it comes to deals. But fear not, my fellow deal-seekers, for the Target on Hillsdale Avenue has got you covered. From clearance sections to the coveted Bullseye's Playground, this store has plenty of opportunities to save some cash. And if you get hungry while you're shopping (it happens to the best of us), there's a Pizza Hut inside. Pizza and deals? Sign me up!

Target san jose california hillsdale avenue 1811 target store

Target - San Jose, California Holger Way, 95

How to make the most out of your Target trip

So, you've made it to Target, but now what? Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your shopping trip:

  • Go in with a plan - Make a list of what you need before you go inside. Trust me, it'll help keep you focused.
  • Stay budget-conscious - It's easy to get carried away in Target, so set a budget before you go and stick to it.
  • Use the Target app - The app has exclusive deals and coupons that you won't find anywhere else.
  • Take advantage of the clearance sections - You never know what hidden gems you'll find!
  • Grab a coffee or snack - Shopping is hard work, so treat yourself!

There you have it, folks. A guide to all the Target stores in San Jose. So go forth, shop 'til you drop, and have fun!

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